
Bedrijven die AWS Storage Gateway gebruiken in Spanje

The AWS Storage Gateway is a service connecting an on-premises software appliance with cloud-based storage. Once the AWS Storage Gateway’s software appliance is installed on a local host, you can mount Storage Gateway volumes to your on-premises application servers as iSCSI devices, enabling a wide variety of systems and applications to make use of them. Data written to these volumes is maintained on your on-premises storage hardware while being asynchronously backed up to AWS, where it is stored in Amazon Glacier or in Amazon S3 in the form of Amazon EBS snapshots. Snapshots are encrypted to make sure that customers do not have to worry about encrypting sensitive data themselves. When customers need to retrieve data, they can restore snapshots locally, or create Amazon EBS volumes from snapshots for use with applications running in Amazon EC2. It provides low-latency performance by maintaining frequently accessed data on-premises while securely storing all of your data encrypted.

Lijst van bedrijven die AWS Storage Gateway gebruiken in Spanje


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AWS Storage Gateway

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