Company | Country | Industry | Employees | Revenue |
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SAP Ariba is a leading procurement and supply chain management platform that connects businesses to their suppliers in a global network. It streamlines the entire procurement process, from sourcing and contract management to purchasing and supplier collaboration. With advanced analytics, automated workflows, and real-time insights, SAP Ariba helps organizations reduce costs, improve compliance, and enhance supplier relationships. Its robust features enable companies to manage spend effectively, ensure transparency, and drive efficiency across their procurement operations.
Pobierz listę 188 firm korzystających z SAP Ariba w Indie, która zawiera branżę, wielkość, lokalizację, finansowanie, przychody...
SAP Ariba jest używana w 77 krajach
Istnieje 85 alternatyw dla SAP Ariba
Statystyki Użytkowania Technologii i Udział w Rynku
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SAP Ariba
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Firma | Kraj | Branża | Pracownicy | Przychody | Technologie |
Indie | It Services And It Consulting | 297K | $11B | SAP Ariba | |
Indie | It Services And It Consulting | 305K | $17B | SAP Ariba | |
Indie | It Services And It Consulting | 248K |
| SAP Ariba | |
Indie | Business Consulting And Services | 29K |
| SAP Ariba | |
Indie | Manufacturing | 35K | $80B | SAP Ariba | |
Indie | It Services And It Consulting | 108K |
| SAP Ariba | |
Indie | Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | 206K | $13B | SAP Ariba | |
Indie | Business Consulting And Services | 484 |
| SAP Ariba | |
Indie | It Services And It Consulting | 1 |
| SAP Ariba | |
Indie | It Services And It Consulting | 14K | $480M | SAP Ariba |