TheirStack for Recruiting Profesionals

All job postings in one place

Search hundreds of job boards and websites for recruitment market insights. Recruitment analytics and insights to help you grow more quickly and profitably.

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How recruiting professionals use TheirStack


Create opportunities based on job postings

Wenden Sie unseren einzigartigen Satz von Kaufsignal-Filtern an, um Ihre Suche zu verfeinern und Leads zu entdecken, die mit Ihrer Wachstumsstrategie übereinstimmen.

Talent insights:
Open positions and job titles, hiring manager, salary ranges, etc.
Programmiersprachen, Datenbanken, CRMs, ERPs, SaaS-Plattformen…
Schmerzpunkte und Absichten:
Aufgaben, die Ihre Software automatisiert oder unterstützt.
Company information:
Industry, size, location, funding, revenue, etc.
Product screenshot

Hochgradig personalisierte Kaltansprachen

Steigern Sie die Antwortraten mit Hyper-Personalisierung

Nutzen Sie Hunderte von Erkenntnissen, um einen wirkungsvollen Verkaufsansatz zu erstellen und die Abschlussquoten zu verbessern. Zu zeigen, wie Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Dienstleistung das Leben Ihrer potenziellen Kunden verbessern kann, ist jetzt viel einfacher geworden.

New email
Hi {{ FIRST_NAME }}! I notice you at {{ COMPANY }} are using {{ PRODUCT_X }} for your {{ USE CASE }} requerirements. I would love to step in and show you how our platform, {{ PRODUCT_Y }}, that does everything {{ PRODUCT_X }} and for more lower price. In fact, it also has powerful integrations with {{ SOFTWARE_A }} and {{ SOFTWARE_B }} that your team is alredy using it and will take your team's productivity to the next level. Best {{ SENDER_NAME }}

Wie von unseren Kunden berichtet

decrease in research time
increase in response rate
more meetings booked
increase in win rates

TheirStack let us optimize our lead qualification process to increase sales, enriching our leads with tech stack data that we couldn’t find anywhere else.

Jasper Flour profile photo
Jasper Flour
Growth at Stacker

Theirstack's data revolutionized our targeting, replacing ambiguity with laser-guided precision. With detailed, real-time insights, our engagement and conversion rates grew by two-digit numbers. It's a game-changer!

Denis Shershnev profile photo
Denis Shershnev
CEO and Founder at 6nomads

TheirStack allowed us to find companies with the pains our product solves, identify who the ICPs were and write highly personalized emails to reach them.

Andrés Lozano profile photo
Andrés Lozano
Head of Sales at Graphext