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What is TheirStack?

We are the largest job and technographics database. You can consume our data through our App, our APIs (Jobs APITechnographics API) or the full dataset (Jobs DatasetTechnographics DataSet).

Job Data

Get access to millions of job listings aggregated from multiple global sources, including major job boards like Indeed, Linkedin, Workable, Greenhouse, Lever, Infojobs, Otta, StartupJobs... offering a complete view of the job market across 195 countries.

The best job data platform

TheirStack goes beyond simple scrapers, we're a sophisticated platform delivering the most precise and current job market information. Our systems continuously collect new job postings across the internet every minute, processing approximately 160,000 new positions daily.

  • 16,000+ job data sources including job boards, company websites, and applicant tracking systems. We excel at standardizing job information, eliminating duplicates between sources, and implementing thorough quality checks to maintain data accuracy and reliability. Data quality and freshness are at the core of what we do.

  • 30+ advanced job and company filters to precisely target your search needs. Beyond standard filters like job title, company, and location, we enable filtering by job description, hiring manager, and company details. Each job listing is enhanced with company information including revenue, industry, size, technology stack, and more.

  • Fast and reliable API With an average API response time of just 1.5 seconds. We serve enriched data directly from our database without real-time external calls, ensuring consistent, reliable responses that help you deliver excellent user experiences to your customers.

Technographics Data

We infer technology usage from millions of jobs worldwide. Our catalog of more than 21,000 technologies and 5M companies is the largest in the world.

  • Assured Accuracy. For each technology identified, we assign a confidence score reflecting its data precision. This score incorporates variables such as the frequency of technology mentions in job listings, the recency of these mentions, the diversity of its usage across companies, and its prevalence within specific categories.

  • Transparency and Validation. Gain direct access to our data sources. We facilitate verification by linking directly to the job postings that reference the technology, alongside details about the posting company and the date. This ensures you can trust and validate the data's accuracy.

  • Always Up-to-Date. Our platform is refreshed every 24 hours, guaranteeing that you have access to the most current data available. Stay ahead with real-time updates and insights.

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