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What is TheirStack?

We are the largest job and technographics database. You can consume our data through our App, our APIs (Jobs APITechnographics API) or the full dataset (Jobs DatasetTechnographics DataSet).

Job Data

Get access to millions of job listings aggregated from multiple global sources, including major job boards like Indeed, Linkedin, Workable, Greenhouse, Lever, Infojobs, Otta, StartupJobs... offering a complete view of the job market across 195 countries.

Data quality and freshness are at the core of what we do. We focus on standardizing job data, resolving duplicates, and applying rigorous quality assurance to ensure our dataset remains accurate and reliable.

The platform's robust filtering options allow users to refine searches by job title, company, or required technology, giving a nuanced perspective on hiring trends and job quality.

This empowers recruiters, consulting agencies, SaaS or any sales team to target companies by their hiring needs.

Technographics Data

Our catalog of more than 21,000 technologies and 5M companies is the largest in the world.

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