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How we source tech stack data

We infer technology usage from millions of jobs worldwide and give you some statistics on it.

We source our tech usage data from job postings. We gather job listings from millions of companies monthly by tracking company websites, job boards, and other hiring platforms. 

When a job mentions a specific technology, either in the title or description, it hints the company is using that technology. Our Confidence Score (low, medium, high), which considers both the number of mentions and its frequency relative to similar technologies in the category, helps us estimate how likely it is that a company actually uses this technology.

When you're in a company search filtering by some technologies, we show cards highlighting the technologies they use that overlap with the ones you're filtering by<

If you hover on the technology card, you can see some details on the relationship between that company and that technology:

  • Confidence score - see this to learn how we calculate it
  • First date found: when a job by the company mentioned the technology for the first time
  • Last date found: when a job by the company mentioned the technology for the last time
  • Rel. occurrence: number of mentions of this technology compared to the total mentions of all the technologies from the same category. See the full list of categories here and browser the technologies we track here.
  • N. jobs mentioned: number of jobs mentioning this technology, with link to those jobs
  • Category this technology belongs to

And if you click on the link on mentioned, you'll be taken to a Job Search view showing the jobs from that company where the technology was found.

This can help you infer if it's the one they're actually using, and the context in what they're mentioning it.