
Companies that use Bento for Business

Control how much, where & when employees spend money. Turn cards on/off with one click. Set spending limits, get real-time alerts & enjoy peace of mind.

List of companies using Bento for Business


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United States




Bento for Business

Bento for Business

Hospitals And Health Care

Bento for Business

Bento for Business

We have data on 4 companies that use Bento for Business. Our Bento for Business customers list is available for download and comes enriched with vital company specifics, including industry classification, organizational size, geographical location, funding rounds, and revenue figures, among others.

Bento for Business customers by country

Bento for Business is used in 1 countries

Bento for Business alternatives and competitors

There are 81 alternatives to Bento for Business

Technoloy Usage Stadistics and Market Share

How to target Bento for Business users

How to customize this list?

You can customize this data to your needs by filtering for geography, industry, company size, revenue, technology usage, job postions and more. You can download the data in Excel or CSV format.

How to be alerted when companies adopt this technology?

You can get alerts for this data. You can get started by selecting the technology you are interested in and then you will receive alerts in your inbox when there are new companies using that technology.

How to import this data to my CRM?

You can export his data to an Excel file, which can be imported into your CRM. You can also export the data to an API.

Frequently asked questions

Our data is sourced from job postings collected from millions of companies. We monitor these postings on company websites, job boards, and other recruitment platforms. Analyzing job postings provides a reliable method to understand the technologies companies are employing, including their use of internal tools.

We refresh our data daily to ensure you are accessing the most current information available. This frequent updating process guarantees that our insights and intelligence reflect the latest developments and trends within the industry.

Bento for Business is an innovative technology solution that specializes in expense management for businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive platform that enables companies to streamline their expense tracking, budgeting, and financial management processes efficiently. Bento for Business leverages advanced tools and features to provide users with real-time insights into their expenditures, helping them make informed decisions and optimize their financial strategies.

In the realm of Expense Management, Bento for Business stands out as a leader in the field. By offering a user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities, it caters to the specific needs of businesses seeking to gain better control over their expenses. Whether it's managing employee spending, monitoring budgets, or generating detailed reports, Bento for Business provides a robust solution that empowers organizations to effectively manage their financial operations with ease.

Founded in 2014 by Farhan Ahmad and Sean Anderson, Bento for Business originated from the vision of revolutionizing how businesses handle their expenses. With a focus on simplifying expense management processes and enhancing financial transparency, the founders set out to create a platform that would address the challenges faced by companies in tracking and controlling their expenditures. Since its inception, Bento for Business has continued to evolve, incorporating user feedback and technological advancements to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Currently, Bento for Business holds a significant market share within the Expense Management sector, thanks to its reputation for reliability, efficiency, and innovation. As businesses increasingly recognize the importance of leveraging expense management tools to improve financial oversight and reduce costs, the demand for solutions like Bento for Business is expected to grow. With a commitment to ongoing development and a focus on meeting the evolving needs of its users, Bento for Business is well-positioned to expand its market presence and maintain its competitive edge in the future.

You can access an updated list of companies using Bento for Business by visiting TheirStack.com. Our platform provides a comprehensive database of companies utilizing various technologies and internal tools.

As of now, we have data on 4 companies that use Bento for Business.

Bento for Business is used by a diverse range of organizations across various industries, including "Banking", "Hospitals And Health Care". For a comprehensive list of all industries utilizing Bento for Business, please visit TheirStack.com.

Some of the companies that use Bento for Business include U.S. Bank National Association, Mental Health Association of Oregon and many more. You can find a complete list of 4 companies that use Bento for Business on TheirStack.com.

Based on our data, Bento for Business is most popular in United States (1 companies). However, it is used by companies all over the world.

You can find companies using Bento for Business by searching for it on TheirStack.com, We track job postings from millions of companies and use them to discover what technologies and internal tools they are using.