Job posting aggregator

All job postings in one place

  • Search simultaneously on IndeedGlassdoor and 16+ other job sites
  • Filter by 25+ criteria: job, company, and tech data
  • Get notified immediately via when new jobs are posted

Trusted by the world’s most innovative sales and marketing teams

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The largest job board aggregator

We structure billions of information pieces so you don't have to

job postings
tracked companies
tracked technologies
data sources

How does it work?

Automate new sales opportunities based on jobs

Step 1

Search simultaneously on multiple job sites

Launch a comprehensive search on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor and more than 16 other job sites. Maximize your reach and efficiency by targeting a broad spectrum of opportunities from the start.

Step 2

Refine your search with advanced filters

Filter by job, company, and technology information to find the right job postings for your use case.

Job filters:
Job title, keywords in the job description, hiring manager, salary ranges, technology, job location...
Company filters:
Industry, size, location, funding, revenue, technology usage etc.
Product screenshot

Step 3

Exclude recruiting & consulting firms automatically

Target only end-clients who recruit for themselves to get qualified leads. Use our industry filter to exclude:

Staffing & Recruiting agencies
Consulting firms
Outsorcing and Offshoring firms
Product screenshot

Step 4

Get the right decision maker

Access to the right decision maker in a few clicks:

Hiring managers:
Get access to the LinkedIn profile of the person who has posted the job posting
Find contacts:
Use our contact data integrations to find the right person to reach out to. We have integrations with, Contact.out, LinkedIn and more.
Product screenshot

Step 5

Get notified immediately when a new job appears

Receive an email or Slack notification when a new job posting matches your criteria

Product screenshot

As reported by our customers

decrease in research time
increase in response rate
more meetings booked
increase in win rates

Use cases

Use job data to increase your sales

Lead generation

Discover companies hiring

Harness the power of job data to identify potential clients by scanning over 40 million job listings in more than 195countries. Target companies facing challenges that your offerings can address, turning job market insights into valuable sales opportunities.


Monitor your customers

Stay ahead with real-time notifications when your current or previous clients start hiring again. Leverage this data to spot upsell opportunities and re-engage with past customers, ensuring you maximize lifetime value and maintain strong client relationships.

Marketing campaings

Target companies hiring specific positions

Boost your sales with targeted LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Focus your ads on individuals at companies actively hiring for positions that match your services. By aligning your marketing efforts with real-time job data, you can ensure your message reaches the right audience, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

TheirStack let us optimize our lead qualification process to increase sales, enriching our leads with tech stack data that we couldn’t find anywhere else.

Jasper Flour profile photo
Jasper Flour
Growth at Stacker

Theirstack's data revolutionized our targeting, replacing ambiguity with laser-guided precision. With detailed, real-time insights, our engagement and conversion rates grew by two-digit numbers. It's a game-changer!

Denis Shershnev profile photo
Denis Shershnev
CEO and Founder at 6nomads

TheirStack allowed us to find companies with the pains our product solves, identify who the ICPs were and write highly personalized emails to reach them.

Andrés Lozano profile photo
Andrés Lozano
Head of Sales at Graphext

Frequently asked questions

Our data collection involves multiple sources, with a major proportion being derived directly from job boards

Our data is updated on a daily basis.

Each job post contains an original link from job boards so you can check that the job post is real at any time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will ensure that additional data is incorporated into our datasets.

We do not permit the reselling of leads obtained from our platform. However, you may contact us to become an affiliate.

Absolutely 100%. We use only public and ethically sourced data.