Our data

Posting a job is the strongest signal that a company has a pain. Job posting have tons of relevant information that we use to find your ideal customer.

The largest job board aggregator

We structure billions of information pieces so you don't have to

job postings
50 million
tracked companies
5 million
tracked technologies
data sources

Data workflow

How it works

To guarantee the highest possible quality of data, we follow this process:

1. Content acquisition.
We crawl different data sources every day such us job boards and company websites.
2. Information extraction.
Different entities (organisations, people, technology, tasks, etc.) and their interactions are extracted via proprietary models.
3. Entity Resolution.
Organization entities are linked to unique domain names for further enrichment.
4. Normalize & Deduplicate.
Entities are normalized with a set of rule-based approaches and then sent to the deduplication system.
5. Quality Assurance.
Multiple data analysts monitor and verify data on a daily basis to ensure the data is of highest quality.
Product screenshot

Top job posting data sources

Our job posting API integrates with the top job posting data sources to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date job postings data.








Startup Jobs

Workable ATS

Greenhouse ATS

Lever ATS

Ashby ATS

Join ATS

BambooHR ATS


Frequently asked questions

Our data collection involves multiple sources, with a major proportion being derived directly from job boards

Our data is updated on a daily basis.

Each job post contains an original link from job boards so you can check that the job post is real at any time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will ensure that additional data is incorporated into our datasets.

We do not permit the reselling of leads obtained from our platform. However, you may contact us to become an affiliate.

Absolutely 100%. We use only public and ethically sourced data.