Company | Country | Industry | Employees | Revenue |
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A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders" modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
Technoloy Usage Stadistics and Market Share
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Webpack is used in 118 countries
We have data on 24,171 companies that use Webpack. Our Webpack customers list is available for download and comes enriched with vital company specifics, including industry classification, organizational size, geographical location, funding rounds, and revenue figures, among others.
is any of
Company | Country | Industry | Employees | Revenue | Technologies |
United States | It Services And It Consulting | 61K | $4.8B | Webpack | |
United States | Software Development | 848 | $12M | Webpack | |
United States | It Services And It Consulting | 341K | $19B | Webpack | |
11 |
| Webpack | |||
Broadcast Media Production And Distribution |
| Webpack | |||
It Services And It Consulting | 1K |
| Webpack | ||
United States | Financial Services | 76K | $135M | Webpack | |
United States | Construction | 201 | $31M | Webpack | |
United Kingdom | It Services And It Consulting | 358K | $45B | Webpack | |
United Kingdom | Wellness And Fitness Services | 2.3K | $2B | Webpack |
There are 28 alternatives to Webpack
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Our data is sourced from job postings collected from millions of companies. We monitor these postings on company websites, job boards, and other recruitment platforms. Analyzing job postings provides a reliable method to understand the technologies companies are employing, including their use of internal tools.
We refresh our data daily to ensure you are accessing the most current information available. This frequent updating process guarantees that our insights and intelligence reflect the latest developments and trends within the industry.
Webpack is a popular technology within the category of JS Build Tools/JS Task Runners, renowned for its capability to efficiently bundle JavaScript assets and other resources for web projects. It plays a vital role in modern web development by managing dependencies and transforming various file types such as JavaScript, CSS, and images into optimized bundles that are ready for deployment. Webpack simplifies the development process by enabling developers to modularize their code and enhance performance through features like code-splitting and tree shaking.
Founded in 2012 by Tobias Koppers, Webpack was initially created to address the inefficiencies of existing module bundlers and build tools. Koppers aimed to revolutionize the way developers handle dependencies in web projects by introducing a more efficient and flexible solution. Over the years, Webpack has evolved into a robust and versatile tool that has become a cornerstone in the JavaScript ecosystem, with a large community of users and contributors actively shaping its advancement.
As of the current market share, Webpack continues to maintain a strong presence in the JS Build Tools/JS Task Runners category, with a significant adoption rate among developers and organizations worldwide. Its reputation for empowering efficient development workflows and optimizing performance has contributed to its widespread usage. Looking forward, the forecast suggests that Webpack is poised to further solidify its position and potentially experience growth as the demand for streamlined and optimized build processes continues to rise in the software development industry.
You can access an updated list of companies using Webpack by visiting Our platform provides a comprehensive database of companies utilizing various technologies and internal tools.
As of now, we have data on 24,171 companies that use Webpack.
Webpack is used by a diverse range of organizations across various industries, including "It Services And It Consulting", "Software Development", "It Services And It Consulting", "Broadcast Media Production And Distribution", "It Services And It Consulting", "Financial Services", "Construction", "It Services And It Consulting", "Wellness And Fitness Services". For a comprehensive list of all industries utilizing Webpack, please visit
Some of the companies that use Webpack include EPAM Systems, Dice, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Nodeflair, TOWA - the digital growth company, CHECK24 Vergleichsportal, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., Innovative Refrigeration Systems, EY, LUSH Cosmetics and many more. You can find a complete list of 24,171 companies that use Webpack on
Based on our data, Webpack is most popular in United States (5,561 companies), United Kingdom (1,458 companies), India (1,380 companies), Germany (660 companies), France (518 companies), Canada (461 companies), Spain (449 companies), Netherlands (290 companies), Australia (244 companies), Brazil (230 companies). However, it is used by companies all over the world.
You can find companies using Webpack by searching for it on, We track job postings from millions of companies and use them to discover what technologies and internal tools they are using.