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How to see the technologies of a company

Discover how to explore technologies used by companies on TheirStack. Filter by category and view job-specific mentions to assess technology usage confidence

There is a search box in the header of TheirStack where you can look for any company or its domain.

When you click on one of them, or on any company name when you're in a job or company search, a modal will open on the right side of your screen. Let's take Deutsche Bank

If you click on the Technologies tab, you will be able to see all the technologies we've found mentioned in the company's jobs.

When you click on Technology Category, you can type one to see only technologies from that category.

For example, in the case of the Big Data as a Service category, we see that this company has mentioned BigQuery 35 times, and 75% of the mentions in this category are of BigQuery, whereas Snowflake was only mentioned 5 times:

This is why the confidence assigned to this company using Snowflake was low, while the confidence to them using BigQuery was high.

Seeing the source of the data

On the same screen, if you click on any of the links in the Jobs column highlighted above, you can see the jobs from this company where each technology has been mentioned. For example, for BigQuery: