Hyper personalized cold messages

Increase response rate with hyper-personalized cold messages

Use hundreds of insights to build an impactful sales pitch and improve deal conversions. Showing how your product or service can make your prospect’s life better just got a lot easier.

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How recruiting professionals use TheirStack

Lead generation

Create opportunities based on job postings

Apply our unique set of buying signals filters to refine your search and discover leads that are aligned with your growth strategy.

Talent insights:
Open positions and job titles, hiring manager, salary ranges, etc.
Programming languages, databases, CRMs, ERPs,SaaS platforms…
Pains and intents:
Tasks your software automates or helps with.
Company information:
Industry, size, location, funding, revenue, etc.
Product screenshot

Hyper personalized cold messages

Increase response rates with hyper personalization

Use hundreds of insights to build an impactful sales pitch and improve deal conversions. Showing how your product or service can make your prospect’s life better just got a lot easier.

New email
Hi {{ FIRST_NAME }}! I notice you at {{ COMPANY }} are using {{ PRODUCT_X }} for your {{ USE CASE }} requerirements. I would love to step in and show you how our platform, {{ PRODUCT_Y }}, that does everything {{ PRODUCT_X }} and for more lower price. In fact, it also has powerful integrations with {{ SOFTWARE_A }} and {{ SOFTWARE_B }} that your team is alredy using it and will take your team's productivity to the next level. Best {{ SENDER_NAME }}

Master cold messages with TheirStack

Send the right message
Try to get a message out the moment you notice intent (new job posting to tackle an use case your software solves). Even something simple while the intent is high is better than sending the perfect message tomorrow. By tomorrow, there’s a good chance that your potential buyer is thinking about a new problem in the business
At the right time. Speed wins.
With TheirStack you can get notified almost in real time when companies post jobs mentioning technologies you integrate with or pains your product solves. The faster you are to react to this, the more likely it is that you have a conversation with the relevant people and eventually a sale.
To the right people
After you’ve figured out what they care about, figure out how you can be genuinely helpful to them. If you’re looking at an end user, figure out where they are stuck and offer a nudge. If you see an executive buyer checking out a broader resource, use that to tell them about an ROI story that might be interesting. Simple messages that (1) come at a moment of high intent and (2) are genuinely helpful perform much better than long sequences.