Company | Country | Industry | Employees | Revenue |
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Freshteam is the smart HR software for growing businesses. With Freshteam, you can attract, hire and onboard new hires, offboard exiting employees, manage employee information, and time off - all in one place. Freshteam helps attract and source top talent through various channels - a quickly customizable career site, integration with multiple free and premium job boards, and social media channels. Once the candidates are in, the recruiters can collaborate with the hiring managers to screen and interview them, share feedback, leave notes for each other, and finally, hire and roll out offers to the best candidates.
Download list of 3 companies using Freshteam by Freshworks in Australia. This curated list is available for download and comes enriched with vital company specifics, including industry classification, organizational size, geographical location, funding rounds, and revenue figures, among others.
Freshteam by Freshworks is used in 36 countries
There are 198 alternatives to Freshteam by Freshworks
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is any of
Freshteam by Freshworks
is any of
Company | Country | Industry | Employees | Revenue | Technologies |
Australia | Financial Services | 3 |
| ![]() Freshteam by Freshworks | |
Australia | It Services And It Consulting | 13 |
| ![]() Freshteam by Freshworks | |
Australia | It Services And It Consulting | 51 | $10M | ![]() Freshteam by Freshworks |